Hijab and sexual harassment

Publié le par spiritual whisper


  Do Hijab and harassing have a relationship? Was the hijab recommended by coran so that women do not be victims of harassing? Do the hijab prevent the sexual harassment?    
  Let us note that when coran recommended to women to dissimulate their bodies behind clothes, it evokes in the same context the sexual harassment. At that time a new community, pious and concerned about some ethical and religious values, hardly came to emerge, on a background of a society, broken up and declining. This new community needed to preserve part of its members, which was represented, in fact, by women.

  The prostitution at that time was widely propagated, and the prostitutes were not different from those of today. For the prostitute, the body is not more than goods, which it is necessary to run out. The best means to reach this purpose is a good exhibition.

   The others, those who did not have any carnal mercantile intention put, as a result,their bodies in withdrawal , in order to dissociate themselves, and by consequence, to avoid undergoing the advances coming from potential customers. At that time, came the need for precise clothing criteria. The issue was probably perceived in that manner.  

   I acknowledge that the subject, in spite of its apparent simplicity, is in fact, very complicated, compared to two points:  On the one hand, when the woman proposes her natural gifts, she is exposed so, that her person is reduced to a simple body, and thereafter reified. Many cultivated women feel that a similar vision, held to them, is devaluing, in addition to conflicting seriously with their dignity, as a human being. One more, these same natural assets, in another case of figure, when they are located at a high esthetic level, give women notoriety, and ensure her preponderance within the group. Therefore, when putting the body in retreat, woman will feel, to a certain extent, preserved from reifying, and by the means of the same legislation, practically out of reach of the marketing machine, which makes use of her body for commercial purposes. The dignity of the woman will only be preserved by it. But what will be the capacity which her natural charm gets to her? She will be inevitably devoid of. But is this really a considerable loss? Let us note that women do not all own, the beauty, at the same level. So, retracting the female natural charm will bring certain equity of the chances between women, in the public life. 

  In fact, the practical application of this concept did not always proceed in the best of the ways. Several ideas in relation with male chauvinism were seen comforted by the tradition of the hijab. Furthermore the idea of hijab was led to the extreme, especially after the collapse of civilization Arab-Moslem. Indeed the hijab had become a tool for submission owned by men, and a brake to the emancipation of women. Nevertheless, in our era, the hijab was revisited by woman, and redesigned by her, so that it fulfills the requirement of the current time. The hijab should neither be prohibited nor be imposed, because in both cases it would obstruction to individual freedom. It is necessary to be satisfied with the laws in force, which prohibit any clothing that would undermine decency. Men must let down fixations, and cease considering woman as a simple object of their desires.                       

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