Do not jail me! Am not a negationist!

Publié le par spiretual.whisper


  I can remember the holocaust, but I shall remember it at the same level, whereof I should remember other human tragedies. I can’t bear the burden of the crimes others had perpetrated. I guess I am more concerned about other genocides, mainly the Amerindian one and the tragedy of Africans. Those, who had been expatriated against there will, and made slaves. Unfortunately we don’t hear much about.

  There’s no doubt, who isn’t rich could be murdered inaudibly. In this case murderers won’t be disturbed. Meanwhile others will continue their crimes peacefully; as they own a means, to make us feel forever guilty!
  I love my Jewish neighbor but I can’t support Zionist movement only because, some Jews had probably been gazed somewhere in Europe.

  it's a risky business, I know; but this had to be said anyway.

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